Historically, background of Persons with Short Stature seem to be vulnerable and this made the society have negative mindset toward them where they are still taken as children, renamed bad names, rumors of bringing chance and many other negative ideas related to them.

To overcome this, Rwanda Union of Little People prepare a group- therapy through discussion on fighting stigma, self-reliance, and self-advocacy for girls and women with short stature.

TUYISHIMIRE Honorine explains the historical challenges of persons with short stature and how to overcome them.

Honorine Tuyishimire talking about challenges

” Historically, there are a number of challenges encountered by people with short statures like in accessing qualitative education, health care services, work and vocations, poor educational backgrounds, low self-esteem and employment services. In addition, there is society’s negative mindsets, poverty, discrimination, rumors and personally, there is stigma. All of those challenges, are shackles on Little Peoples ’arms”. She said

TUYISHIMIRE continued saying that when it comes to a woman, it adds more challenges due to their history. But. “Women with Short Stature need to break that chain through being self-reliant, fight stigma and doing self-advocacy. That is why we have this group therapy with them”

On the side of women with short stature, Marie Chantal NIYONSABA said that the therapy is really always needed especially to women with Short Stature.

“Truly, I cannot explain how important is the kind of conversation happening in group therapy. As women with short stature, we need to be self-reliant regardless disability, we need to be respected for our human rights as equal members of society, participate in every social activity by self choice and self determination and share the responsibility as society members, in harmonious society where we belong”.

Tabia DUSANGIYITETO from Musanze district said that any person needs such kind of therapy because when you are not self -reliant, you lose a sense of responsibility for yourself, confusion and irresponsible occur and become always dependable.

“Kindly, we thank everyone who contribute in having the therapy for girls and women with short stature. The ideas from the conversations and testimonies amongst us, help us in the society where we live. We are have to be self-reliant, fight for our rights and change the negative mindset toward us.”

Honorine TUYISHIMIRE, requested women with short stature to fight for their right in their every day’s life regardless barriers they will face in the journey to the success. “This is not easy, but it is possible, we are able, let us work together and break the chain of our challenges like stigma, poverty, society’s negative mindset and many more others through being self -reliant and advocacy”.

                                                     Women with disabilities who attended the therapy

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