Empowering People with Short Stature in Rwanda

RULP advocates for equal rights, opportunities, and dignified lives for people with Short Stature.

About Us

Who we are!

Established in August 2015, RULP is a civil society organization that advocates for the rights and inclusion of people with short stature in Rwanda. We serve over 367 members across eight districts

Our Unique Approach

At RULP, we believe in the power of community-driven change. Our programs are designed and implemented by people with short stature, ensuring that our work truly addresses the needs of our community.

Our Vision for the Future

By 2028, we aim to:

  • Expand our reach to all 30 districts of Rwanda
  • Establish a national resource center for people with short stature
  • Launch a scholarship program for young people with dwarfism

Strategic Partnerships

We’ve cultivated strong relationships with key stakeholders, including:
These partnerships allow us to amplify our voice and extend our reach far beyond our immediate community.

Financial Stewardship

RULP is committed to transparency and accountability. We:

Undergo annual independent audits

Maintain detailed project reports and financial statements

Have implemented robust financial management systems

Join Us in Making a Difference

Your support can help us create lasting change for people with short stature in Rwanda. We welcome partnerships and funding to expand our impactful programs. Contact us to discuss how we can work together to build a more inclusive Rwanda.

Our Address


Gasabo District, Kimironko sector,

KG99 ST13



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